STUDENTS in Barnsley are being encouraged to check their vaccines are up to date during the summer before they head off to university.

The MenACWY vaccine – which helps protect against illnesses like meningitis and sepsis – is routinely offered to those in school years nine and ten but some students will have missed or chosen not to have it at that time.

It’s not too late, anyone who has missed out can still get a free vaccination with their GP until their 25th birthday.

Dr Faisel Baig, the NHS England medical director for primary care, said: “If you think you may have missed some routine childhood or adolescent vaccines, including the MenACWY vaccine, which provides protection against meningitis, it is really important that you check your vaccination status with your GP or school immunisation team.

“Making sure students are fully vaccinated well before they head off to university or college is so important as it will give the vaccines time to build up their immunity, particularly against meningitis.

“Whilst meningitis is rare, it can be extremely serious and university and college students are more at risk due to their new, close-living arrangements and new social circles during those first few weeks.