THE council is holding an event for landlords later this month to ensure they stay informed about latest developments in the sector and the support that is available to them.
Coun Wendy Cain, Cabinet Spokesperson for Public Health and Communities, said: “We are thrilled to host this event in collaboration with the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA). It’s a fantastic opportunity for landlords to stay informed about the latest developments in the sector and the support available to them. If you’re a landlord in Barnsley, don't miss this opportunity to connect with key teams and find out more about how they can support you.”
The free landlord event will take place on Wednesday March 26 at DMC 01, from 6pm to 7pm with doors opening at 5.30pm. Refreshments will be available before the event.
A council spokesperson added: “If you’re a landlord, the event is a great opportunity to find out about the support available in Barnsley, and learn about the latest developments in the private rented sector.
“As part of the event you’ll be able to hear from lots of different teams, such as our Safer Communities team who’ll be providing advice to landlords around the private rented sector, our Warm Homes Team who will be talking about the ECO4 energy efficiency scheme, our Housing Options Team, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, Credit Union, and more. The NRLA will also be presenting and providing updates on the new Renters Rights Bill, which is expected to become legislation later this year.”
To book your place, please email or call 01226 774047.