EIGHT years ago Julie Prigmore and a team from Dodworth Working Men’s Club set out to raise as much money as they could from their harvest festival to support Barnsley Independent Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support (BIADS).
One festival turned into another until it became an annual event.
Over the years the event has grown as the community of Dodworth came together to support BIADS by helping with the planning, donations of goods or by simply digging deep on the night, and buying goods or raffle tickets.
A BIADS spokesperson said that the effort that goes into the organisation of this event is incredible and Julie and all the team work tirelessly for the charity, this year raising a fantastic £2,651.
The total raised since the first festival back in 2016 is £13,172.
Chief officer at BIADS, Linda Pattison, said: “If it wasn’t for communities like Dodworth coming together to support BIADS then we simply wouldn’t be here to support the people of Barnsley whose lives are affected by dementia.
“The generosity and support that the Dodworth community has shown us over the past eight years is exceptional and on behalf of BIADS I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved.”