THE Refugee Council made the most of the sun this week as they took people to Locke Park to help them get out and socialise.

On Tuesday, 14 refugees and asylum seekers took a trip to Locke Park where they were given the opportunity to climb the tower and learn about the area’s history.

The visit was supported by the Friends of Locke Park, who helped open the tower 11 years ago.

Volunteer teacher for the charity, Andrew Atkinson, said: “A young person seeking asylum would normally stay in their bedroom and get fed up because they don’t know anybody.

“They have no friends, they have no family, they don’t know anyone so it’s getting them out in a group to talk, relax, swap numbers and maybe meet up here another time.

“So it’s trying firstly to get themselves networked, through the help of little days.

“They are genuinely surprised that there is so much to see in Barnsley, that’s so good, free and accessible to the public.”

This is one of seven activity days that have been planned over summer, including a trip to Monk Bretton Priory and Experience Barnsley museum in town hall.

“Friends of Monk Bretton Priory will be helping us when we visit the priory next week.

“People are very supportive and they want to help.”