THOUSANDS of Barnsley residents are set to benefit from a seven-figure investment which is set to improve waning physical activity levels.
The ‘Big Idea’ – the brainchild of Sport England – aims to encourage those who need the most help to move more.
The £1m sum will be distributed by the Active In Barnsley Partnership, which is led by the council and includes partners such as Barnsley FC, Barnsley Premier Leisure, grassroots sports clubs and local community groups from across the borough.
There will be a focus on supporting schools, providing activities in the heart of communities and promoting physical activity in the health and social care network so that residents can enjoy the well-known benefits of moving more.
Due to the current inequalities and the existing levels of inactivity there will be additional support directed towards the North, North East, Central, Dearne and South wards in Barnsley.
Sir Steve Houghton, leader of Barnsley Council, said: “The Big Idea is a fantastic opportunity for us to increase levels of physical activity in the borough, which are proven to benefit both physical and mental health and wellbeing.
“We hope this funding will support our residents to incorporate physical activity and moving more into their everyday lives so they can enjoy life in good physical and mental health.’