A LOCAL primary school has been rated ‘good’ following its latest Ofsted inspection.

Birkwood Primary School, based on Darfield Road, Cudworth, was inspected by Ofsted on December 10 and 11.

The school, which has 393 children on its roll, received a ‘good’ rating in all metrics following the inspection.

A report states: “The school wants to give pupils the very best opportunities.

“Pupils strive to live according to the school’s values of effort, kindness and respect.

“Pupils can be themselves and let their personalities shine through.

“They behave well – pupils feel safe and listened to by adults.

“Parents and carers appreciate the support the school gives them. They say that their children are happy to come to school.

“This includes the high-quality support that the school offers vulnerable pupils, giving them the best chances to succeed.

“The school is ambitious for pupils’ learning, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils achieve well across the curriculum.”