BARNSLEY is to receive an initial investment of almost £1m from Sport England to improve physical activity levels and the health of 20,000 Barnsley residents.

The Big Idea aims to encourage those who need the most help to move more for better physical and mental health. This approach comes from the Active In Barnsley Partnership, which is led by the council and includes partners such as Barnsley FC, Barnsley Premier Leisure, grassroots sports clubs and local community groups from across the borough.

Extra work is required to see a significant change in reducing inactivity, reducing inequalities, and promoting moving more as part of everyday life, which means different things to different people.

There will be a focus on supporting schools, providing activities in the heart of communities, and promoting physical activity in the health and social care network so that residents can enjoy the well-known benefits of moving more.

The development of the Big Idea concept began in 2022 through the Barnsley 2030 Board, with the framework approved in October 2023. At the time, there was no investment attached to the approach, but after working with Sport England on their place expansion programme, the town is now set to receive a funding allocation over an initial two-year period.

Councillor Sir Steve Houghton CBE, Leader of Barnsley Council and Chair of the Barnsley 2030 board, said: "The Big Idea is a fantastic opportunity for us to increase levels of physical activity in the borough, which are proven to benefit both physical and mental health and wellbeing.

"The most recent Sport England Active Lives Survey showed that 36 per cent of adults in Barnsley do less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week and are therefore considered inactive. The long-term health and life expectancy of Barnsley residents is negatively affected by physical inactivity and increases the risk of many health conditions including diabetes, strokes, several cancers and heart and circulatory disease.

"We hope this funding will support our residents to incorporate physical activity and moving more into their everyday lives so they can enjoy life in good physical and mental health. However, we know there are several barriers to this which we have identified through our learning and engagement work.

"This project will help us to understand these barriers and produce solutions together using a partnership approach across our communities, schools, partners, organisations and pathways, who have all helped to shape the framework of the proposed delivery programme and will contribute to its success."

Dr Andy Snell, Chair of the Active in Barnsley Partnership, added: "It's brilliant that Barnsley has confirmation of Sport England's support to invest in our approach and support the Big Idea.

"Physical activity has a number of physical and mental benefits, including improved heart and lung health, lowering the risk of long term conditions like diabetes and some cancers, and decreasing anxiety and stress.

"It's important that barriers to physical activity are removed to enable people to find their way of moving more so they can feel the benefits and enjoy better mental and physical health.

"All members of the Active in Barnsley partnership are looking forward to working together to help Barnsley residents to move more, live well and feel better."

Lisa Dodd-Mayne, Executive Director for Place, Sport England, said: “For too long, too many people have struggled to get access to, and benefit from, sport and physical activity. Across England, opportunities to be active are unequal and unfair. We’re about to change that in Barnsley.

"By partnering with trusted organisations and the local community, we will understand the barriers and issues people in Barnsley face to getting active and work together to deliver local solutions.

"But we won’t stop there. Our Place Expansion programme will see us work in every corner of the country, in areas that face the biggest barriers to a more active life.

"Together we will create lasting change within the communities that need it most to ensure that more people can lead active and healthier lives for longer.”