SCHOOLS and community groups across Worsbrough are set to benefit from a pot of funding that has not been touched for five years.

In 2017, a group of residents formed a committee to put on the Worsbrough Fair.

They were successful in applying for a £10,000 National Lottery Fund grant to fund the fair but didn’t spend the entire amount.

The committee has now disbanded and the funding, which has remained untouched for over half a decade, is now being distributed to local groups and schools in the Worsbrough area.

A total of £500 will be handed to both Mill Academy and Bank End Primary School for their breakfast clubs, whilst Maltas Court will receive £200.

Money will also be distributed to the Guides and Brownies groups in the area,as well as to Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Mayor of Barnsley Coun John Clarke, who represents the ward, said: “The event was a success but there’s still some money that been left over.

“We’re now dishing it out and distributing that money to groups in Worsbrough.

“Over the next couple of months more money will be allocated to other groups and schools.”