CARERS could receive a tablet computer for up-to six months to help alleviate loneliness and isolation during lockdown.
Barnsley Carers Service will offer carers the chance to have access to tablet computers which will help alleviate loneliness and isolation.
“It's important for carers to get the support they need because caring for a loved on can add extra pressure,” said support worker at Barnsley Carers Service, Julia Goddard. “Everything is moving online now and if you don't have the technology to access support groups it can put you in a vulnerable position.
“We will run a coffee morning on Zoom, and with the technology, carers can join in and have a chat with people who are in the same position as them.
“There are people who would have wanted a tablet but wouldn't know where to start so we are hoping the tablets will help them to understand the technology.”
The service will provide the 40 tablets on a long-term loan basis for up-to six months.
To be eligible for a tablet you must be a carer, live in the Barnsley borough, and be registered with the Barnsley Carers Service.
For more information, or to apply for a tablet, contact Barnsley Carers Service on 288772.