BARNSLEY Gymnastics Club is determined to put the town's gymnasts on the map - and has invested £50,000 to prove the point.

The club, which started eight years ago, moved to its current premises at Carlton Industrial Estate three years ago when it outgrew its space.

Now it has secured £50,000 from Sport England for a new land pit, making it one of the best equipped clubs between here and Halifax.

Nick Appleyard, from the club, said: "We have 350 gymnasts and take boys and girls from two years up. Our oldest student at the moment is 15.

"Another few years and we're going to be wiping the board. We're winning national championships."

"The new pit will be full of foam and kids can swing off bars or anything else and land safely.

"They know they're not going to get hurt so they can do outrageous things. You can't afford to have any fear."

Future plans include starting a Saturday trampolining club, fundraising and going into Barnsley schools for coaching sessions.

"We are becoming a force to be reckoned with," added Nick.