TARGETED patrols have been cracking down on Barnsley’s most serious violence.

These patrols are part of the Hotspot Response Policing Model, a Home Office problem solving initiative which sees targeted evidence-based policing activity in key hotspot locations.

On Tuesday, officers from the Tactical Support Group took to the streets, using their specialist training to conduct open land searches and ground patrols.

Officers also conducted arrest warrants for nominals wanted for serious violence offences.

Inspector Joel Turner, who works in the Hotspot Response Hub, said: "We use years of data to identify these hotspots areas, identifying areas across the force that see higher levels of most serious violence and ASB.

"We then conduct high-visibility patrols and problem-solving policing activity in these areas, with the aim of getting criminals locked up, and taking drugs and offensive weapons off our streets."

During a search in the central area of Barnsley, officers located a video camera and Samsung laptop which they suspected to have been stolen and hidden away to be collected at a later date.

Several stop and searches were also conducted, recovering Class B drugs and drug paraphernalia.

Inspector Turner continued: "We know most serious violence is closely linked to illicit drugs, and so our officers also engage with those who they stop and search to provide advice and sign post to support services if needed.

"During this operation in Barnsley, we successfully took a violent wanted offender and drugs off our streets. We will continue to work with our partners to make South Yorkshire a safer place for all."