BARNSLEY council is partnering with Energy Barnsley once again as they aim to help install 1,000 solar panels on homes in the borough.

The council has worked with the energy providers for ten years now, installing rooftop solar panels and battery storage onto 321 council properties managed by Berneslai Homes and 16 council building.

Now though, the two are hoping to continue their relationship as they offer an opportunity for people to invest in bonds as they aim to raise £3,675,000 to implement 1,000 solar installations.

Con Robin Franklin, cabinet spokesperson for regeneration and culture said: “It’s been great to work in partnership with Energise Barnsley over the past ten years and help to make our borough and homes more sustainable.

“The third solar bond will help us to provide sustainable energy whilst helping residents and businesses to manage their energy costs.

“Reducing our energy emissions will help us to become one step closer to achieving our borough wide goal of becoming net zero by 2045.”