AN Athersley school has been rated ‘good’ by Ofsted following its latest inspection.

Waterton Newstead Academy currently has 26 children on its roll and is an independent special school with yearly fees from £10,000.

Following an inspection by Ofsted from July 2 to July 4, the school received a ‘good’ rating.

The report, which was published last week, states: “Pupils in this school learn in a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment.

“Skilled adults build positive relationships with pupils.

“Consequently, pupils are happy and eager to learn.

“They are supported to make friends and to develop their confidence and self-esteem.

“Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school – they commonly talk about how their children are ‘thriving’ and ‘flourishing’ here.

“Pupils behave exceptionally well.

“Some pupils find it hard to manage their own behaviour, but when this happens, staff intervene quickly and sensitively.

“They are trained well in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

“Pupils say that they are kind to each other.

“They understand the school rules, which include ‘kind hands’ and ‘kind words’.

“Bullying is not tolerated.”