A CUDWORTH primary school has been graded ‘good’ by Ofsted following its latest inspection.

Churchfield Primary School, based on Snydale Road, currently has 410 pupils on its roll and is under the wing of the Waterton Academy Trust.

The inspection, which was held in June, was the first the school had received since its conversion into an academy.

A report states: “Churchfield Primary School is at the heart of the local community.

“Every child is at the heart of the school.

“The school team lives and breathes the school ethos – to enable all children to grow as independent learners, achieve more than they ever believe they could and shine as unique individuals.

“Pupils love coming to school – they feel safe and cared for.

“Relationships between adults and pupils are friendly, good humoured and respectful.

“Adults take the time to get to know individual pupils incredibly well.

“Bullying is extremely rare.

“Pupils are confident that adults would sort out any problems swiftly.

“Pupils benefit from an exceptional personal development programme.

“They talk enthusiastically about a vast range of clubs, visits and events.

“Opportunities to play a musical instrument, to perform on stage, to attend sporting tournaments and to take part in fundraising events are commonplace.”