A BARNSLEY man has been jailed for three years for two burglaries in which he stole cash and valuables worth almost £8,000 collectively from victims.

Wayne Collins, 51, of Woodland Drive, Barnsley, gained the trust of his victims by helping them with tasks such as cleaning their car or gardening, before creating access to and burgling their home.

On May 2, Collins stole jewellery, a passport, and cash worth £3,340 from an address on Park Road, Barnsley.

On May 29 he stole £4,640 in cash from a property on Woodland Drive.

Officers launched an investigation and after completing CCTV enquiries and taking victim statements, Collins was circulated as wanted.

He was arrested on June 7 and officers charged him with two counts of burglary on June 8.

Collins was remanded at court pending hearings and sentencing.

Collins pleaded guilty to both burglaries and was sentenced at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday (July 5) to three years imprisonment for each offence, which will run concurrently.

Police Constable Chris Shirt, officer in charge of the case, said: “Collins preyed on the trust and generosity of his victims and then abused that trust to rob his victims of thousands of pounds. This offence undermines the fabric of local communities.

“His callous behaviour has earned him three years behind bars and I am glad to see justice served in this case.”