IMPORTANT changes have been made to newborn feeding options at Barnsley Hospital.
From Monday, there will be a change in the availability of pre-made formula bottles at the Gawber Road site.
A spokesperson for Barnsley Hospital said: “Deciding how to feed your baby is a significant decision, influenced by various factors including personal experiences and advice from others.
“It’s crucial to discuss this with your midwife. The ideal time to make this decision is shortly after birth when you first hold your baby, engaging in skin-to-skin contact.
“This practice not only helps your baby adjust to the new environment but also stimulates their desire to feed. Regardless of your chosen feeding method, you’ll receive support.
“Our staff will assist you in learning how to hold your baby during feeding, hand expression, recognising feeding cues, and responsive feeding techniques.
“If you’ve opted for breastfeeding and your baby needs additional milk due to a medical reason, we’ll provide formula.”
If you have any questions, get in touch with the infant deeding team at