AN OLD Town councillor has urged his residents to call out those who grow cannabis across Barnsley – after a large amount of materials were dumped.
Coun Phil Lofts, who represents the Old Town ward, was left frustrated when he found the fly-tipped materials on West Road.
It was made up of root balls, growing media and associated hydroponic cabling and pipes.
The waste has now been collected by the council.
Coun Lofts said: “I responded to a resident’s report that cannabis farm related fly-tipping was being dumped in our community.
“This isn’t the first cannabis farm waste dump we have seen in Old Town.
“Clearly those who indulge in this criminal activity are never going to dispose of their waste material legitimately.
“I therefore call on anyone who may have witnessed this being dumped to tell not only Barnsley Council but also South Yorkshire Police.
“Some may think that cannabis cultivation is somehow acceptable – it is not.
“As a class B drug cannabis remains illegal to possess, distribute, sell or grow in the UK.
“Large-scale cultivation funds organised criminals, who then go onto cause absolute misery in our community.”