A COUPLE have been lifting the spirits of families across the borough by dishing out certificates for children on the ‘good list’ this Christmas.
Chloe Clarke and her husband Charlie, from Cudworth, have been travelling around Barnsley dressed as Santa and his elf delivering a box of festive goodies to families who need a boost.
Chloe set up the Facebook group ‘Printssy’ where residents have been contacting her to book visits for their children.
Chloe has been going out every week with her partner and delivering gifts including reindeer food and a personalised certificate to tell the kids that they are on Santa’s ‘good list’.
Chloe said: “It’s been a rough year for everyone at the moment and we wanted to do something to help lift the mood.
“I’ve been making gift boxes for the kids with personalised certificates inside which has gone down really well.
“I have a full-time job and a three-year-old but want to spend my spare time helping others in our community.
“So far, we’ve had more than 50 people get in touch to visit their children so we’re gearing up for more visits.
“I’ve loved doing it so far and have had a great response from the kids we’ve visited. We’re going to continue to do this until the end of the year.”