OFFICERS across the borough are asking residents to have their say on drink driving in Barnsley, after a region-wide survey voted it as a top priority for police.
South Yorkshire Police traffic officers have launched a survey to find out what residents think about drink driving and its patterns in the town.
In the last survey conducted, 49 per cent of people wanted officers to focus on those who drive while under the influence of drugs or drink.
Jason Booth, the roads policing inspector, said: “We stop drivers all year and conduct road side breath tests.
“From these stops we see that drivers are willing to get behind the wheel while under the influence of drink and drugs throughout the year.
“However as we head towards Christmas, we know people are more likely to take risks.
“We want to understand how the public perceive the dangers of drink and drug driving and also ensure we are targeting patrols where our communities believe there to be an issue.
“We always appreciate it when you take the time to complete our survey, please ensure you have your say.”
The survey closes at midnight tonight (November 30).
To complete the survey, click here.