LANDLORDS across the borough have joined a scheme to fight against properties being used for growing cannabis.
The ‘Cannabis Aware Scheme’ has been created by officers in Barnsley to ensure that landlords are actively preventing people renting their properties for the use of drug production.
As part of the scheme, landlords will be required to complete more regular checks on their properties, and to ask questions that may identify those who are looking for a property to grow the plants.
Landlords will also be given a sticker to promote in the windows of their properties to act as a deterrent.
PC Paul Davies who has set up the scheme in partnership with Barnsley Council, said: “We know everyone has different opinion on cannabis and its uses, however, it is a Class B drug and those involved in growing and selling cannabis are often either being exploited or have links to serious organised crime, that has a devastating impact on our communities.
“As part of the scheme we are asking communities to ensure they are being vigilant with the properties on their streets and if you are concerned about a property being used for drug purposes, you call 101.
“It may feel that we do not act upon your call or intelligence straight away, but sometimes time is needed to gather further intelligence or gain a warrant for access.”
Barnsley Council are supporting the scheme, Coun Jenny Platts, cabinet spokesperson for communities, said: “We’re pleased to join forces with South Yorkshire Police and support this scheme as we continue to work together to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in the borough to make it a safe place for people to live, work and visit.
“We want landlords to be vigilant in checking their properties to make sure they are not being used for the growth or cultivation of cannabis as some individuals target properties to use them solely for the production of cannabis.”