TWO Barnsley MPs have praised the government’s newly-announced National Youth Strategy.
The initiative, which aims to put youngsters’ views at the centre of decisions which impact them, comes after it was revealed that local authority spending on youth has reduced by 73 per cent in 15 years.
Dan Jarvis and Stephanie Peacock both welcomed the move.
“The last Conservative government starved youth services of funding and adopted an outdated one-size-fits-all approach to youth services everywhere,” Dan said.
“Yet what’s right for Barking might not be right for Barnsley, that’s why it’s great to see that the government’s National Youth Strategy will not only fund youth services properly, but also give young people a say in what services they want.
“The government’s national survey – which I encourage all young people across our borough to contribute to if they can – will ensure that they have access to a broad range of views ahead of shaping the strategy.”
Stephanie added: “We are breaking down the barriers to opportunity that young people face and giving them the chance to have their say on what they want from the government and how public policies can work for them.
“I encourage all young people to fill in the survey and tell us what you think so you can help shape a brighter future for you and your generation.”