PLANS to use land for car sales have been rejected by Barnsley Council’s planning board.

An application for work to take place on Wakefield Road at Staincross was submitted in June.

These plans have been rejected by the council’s planning board.

Enterprising Barnsley actively supported the application, stating it would support the growth of business employment in the town.

However, Coun Steve Hunt submitted an objection.

He said: “The application does not contain any restrictions over the hours that the business trades.

“There should be a designated visitor parking area so that people visiting do not park on the adjoining Tipsey Court private driveway disrupting residents.

“I have received complaints for many months that the business has been selling cars from the site so I feel that this should be a retrospective application.

“I object to the application in its current form but would be supportive if it was presented in a way that was understanding to the neighbouring properties and that the business operated only during set hours.”