BARNSLEY Council will receive almost £20m over the next decade to regenerate the town’s ‘urban area’.

In September last year, the government launched the Long-Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) programme – and Barnsley was selected as one of 55 towns to benefit from the funding.

The Barnsley Urban Area – which includes areas like the town centre, Worsbrough Common, Lundwood and Monk Bretton – will be at the heart of the scheme.

A Barnsley Town Board – with members from key town centre organisations such as the hospital and football club – was subsequently created, and they’re being asked to submit a ten-year plan to the government by August 1.

Cabinet members will discuss the plans tomorrow and sign off on the almost £20m funding package.

A report said: “The council will receive £19.259m in endowment-style funding over the next ten years to deliver the LTPT programme.

“The allocated funding is around £2m per year and is divided between revenue and capital funding at a ratio of roughly 25 per cent revenue and 75 per cent capital.

“The government requires the council to meet a series of tight deadlines to be able to release funding for the programme in tranches.

“By August 1, the Barnsley Town Board, via the council, must send the government a ten-year vision and an investment plan.”