MORE than 1,300 animal cruelty reports have already been made to the RSPCA across South Yorkshire so far this year – and bosses say the busiest period is yet to come.

The new figures, released last week, show there has already been 1,349 reports of cruelty towards animals in South Yorkshire – many of which occurred in Barnsley.

Last summer, reports of intentional harm towards animals rose by 11 per cent compared with the previous year, with animal beating reports also rose sharply – by 17 per cent.

The animal welfare charity has now launched its ‘No Animal Deserves Cruelty’ summer appeal as it responds to this seasonal peak in cruelty.

Karen Colman, who heads up the RSPCA welfare oversight team, said: “Sadly, animal cruelty reports are on the rise this year – and in the Yorkshire counties alone, we’ve seen 5,137 animal cruelty reports already this year.

“Reports of international harm towards animals and beatings also rose sharply across the country last summer – so we’re preparing for a difficult period ahead.

“But rescuing animals from cruelty, investigating harm caused to them, and acting to prevent animal abuse, is a job no other charity does.

“We’ll always be here to pick up the pieces and show those animals the kindness and care they deserve.”

One of the worst cases in Barnsley was the abandoned dog Luca who was left for dead on Huddersfield Road.

Inspector Ben Cottle-Shaw, who said it was the most emaciated dog he had seen alive in his career, rushed the lurcher for emergency veterinary treatment where he was also diagnosed with an untreated skin condition and had an infected tail which was so bad the tip fell off.

The person responsible has not yet been found.

Ben said: “He was shut down and had given up on life.

“I was really worried he may not make the short journey to the vets.

“But once there he was such a friendly little boy in spite of all the suffering.”

He was called Luca by rescuers and was taken to RSPCA Felledge Centre in County Durham where he made a remarkable recovery and has since been re-homed and is loving life.