A REMEMBRANCE service was held on the 82nd anniversary of a pilot’s selfless act of bravery after he sacrificed himself to avoid crashing his plane into rows of houses.

Two Commonwealth airmen died as a result of the crash at Pogmoor on January 6, 1942, with 22-year-old Australian pilot Alexander Hollingworth bravely sacrificing himself by choosing to divert the Whitley bomber toward a quarry, now part of Pogmoor Recreation Ground.

Every year at the site, near to Horizon Community College, a memorial service is held on January 6 and some of Barnsley’s most respected names attended this year’s service.

Barnsley Central MP Dan Jarvis said: “I was proud to lay a wreath at the memorial service commemorating Australian pilot Sgt Alexander Hollingworth who steered his Whitley Bomber away from houses in Barnsley into a nearby quarry.

“In losing his own life, his actions undoubtedly saved countless lives and we owe him a debt of gratitude.

“Thanks to all those involved with organising the service.”