A LARGE increase in cases of gout is being blamed on the culture of working from home, experts say.
According to date from NHS Digital, national cases of the inflammatory condition have increased by 20 per cent in the last three years.
The increase has been blamed on people eating more junk food, takeaways and snacks whilst they’ve been working from home.
Henry VIII made gout infamous, but Barnsley Hospital consultant Professor Adewale Adebajo MBE said more need to be done to understand the condition once dubbed ‘the arthritis of kings’.
He added: “There’s been an inverse snobbery concerning gout as if it’s just about people who drink too much port, but this condition is not something to be made fun of.
“It needs to be taken seriously and treated as it can lead to joint deformity and a significantly reduced quality of life.
“The good thing is that gout is now being recognised and managed better.”