THERE'S only two weeks left to have your say about a borough-wide order that could help control dogs after a spate of dog attacks.
The Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) needs public consultation after it was approved in a recent cabinet meeting.
The order will extend across the borough and stipulates that dogs must be kept on leads in specified areas, fouling must be cleared and a specific number of dogs will be allowed to be walked by a single person at any one time.
A failure to adhere to the order could result in a £100 to £1,000 fine.
Coun Chris Lamb said: “Speaking as a dog owner myself, I fully support this.
“There is a PSPO in the town centre already and it has improved things there. This is for the small number of people who don’t want to comply with instructions.
“We aren’t trying to stop people taking their dogs for a walk, but to make sure it is safe and pleasant for everyone.”
Within the survey, the public will be asked for their opinions on dog fouling, whether a dog should be on a lead at all times, and which parks are an hotspot for the above issues.
The public consultation period will be expected to last for three months and the survey will close on October 16.
To have your say, click here.