THOUSANDS of cans of beer and lager that have illegally had their sell-by dates changes could be on sale in shops and off-licenses in Barnsley, We Are Barnsley has learned.

Barnsley Council says anyone who has bought any Guinness Draught 440ml or Carlsberg Lager 500ml cans in the past few weeks should check the information on them as they could have been doctored.

Officers believe the alcohol has gone out of date and then had a new date applied to it. No other Guinness and Carlsberg products are known to have been affected. Spokesman Coun Roy Miller said: “Consumers have the right to get what they pay for and changing the durability dates on products is simply unacceptable, as well as illegal. I hope that people will check their cans and get in touch if they have been affected.” The beer can be identified by its durability date and the can code on the side of the can. The illegal beer has the following information: Guinness: 24/06/12 Can code: W0EM17B Carlsberg 17/06/12 Can code: S2RL11A or: S1RL11A If you have a can bearing the above information you can report it on 01226 772468.