A BARNSLEY primary school has been rated ‘good’ by Ofsted following its latest inspection.

WardGreen Primary School, based on Vernon Road, currently has 408 children on its roll and is under the wing of HCAT.

It was rated ‘good’ by Ofsted following its inspection in September – and ‘outstanding’ for its personal development.

The report states: “The school has developed a clear and ambitious curriculum.

“Pupils behave well in lessons. They develop an appetite for learning and enthusiasm for achieving.

“There are clear expectations of how pupils should behave and treat each other.

“When pupils make behaviour choices that are not in line with school expectations, staff support the pupils to ‘reflect, repair, and move on’.

“The personal development offer for pupils is exceptional. Pupils benefit from an extensive range of carefully considered opportunities through the school’s ‘pupil pledge’ programme.

“Pupils are encouraged to contribute to school life and develop their leadership skills.

“For example, through the ‘smart council’, every pupil has the chance to give their views on how the school can be improved.

“All pupils can be ‘ambassadors’ for different aspects of the school.”