AN EVENT later this month is offering help to those who are interested in learning something new, finding a job, or getting involved in your community.

Planned for Tuesday July 30, from 10am to 2pm, at Athersley Roundhouse Library, the council’s team of advisors and partners will be on hand to help residents explore options for learning, training, work and volunteering.

Everyone is welcome to attend the event, no matter your background or starting point.

On the day, you can explore options and support to build your future, your way. Information on the following will be available:

Learning and training opportunities to build skills for everyday life or work

Volunteering opportunities that can build confidence, skills or abilities

Support for young people and families

Information and advice around benefits, housing, debt, mental health, isolation and social exclusion and much more

Support for people with learning disabilities, learning difficulties or autism.

Coun Robin Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: “This event is a great opportunity for people in Athersley to discover ways to build their skills and abilities. Come along to explore your goals and find options or support that works for you.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure where to start, if you have a specific goal in mind, or if you want to grow your skills while you’re in work – our partners and advisors are happy to help.”

If you can’t make the event, you can still get in touch with the skills and employability team. Visit to find out more.