KEXBOROUGH House care home are back again with another creative way to raise awareness of cancer – in the form of ‘Patsy Poop’, a giant poo emoji.
Jane Penvose, team leader at the care home, has been busy working with residents to create the giant board since last Friday.
“We just keep following up from the ones we’ve done previously. The residents are doing their own versions as well, but of unicorns instead.”
Previous efforts from the care home to raise awareness include a ‘Booby Board’ for breast cancer, and a similar display of men's underwear for prostate cancer outside the home.
Now, the display will highlight the symptoms of bowel cancer, and how to check your poo.
The residents are always up for getting involved, Jane said, and have been helping to paint the huge board last week, which is set to be brought to life with feminine touches such as lashes and blusher.
“They love it, we’re always looking for the next thing to do, they do think we’re all crackers. That’s what we’re trying to do with all the displays, to be light hearted and fun and get people talking.”
Information packs from Bowel Cancer UK will also be put together by Jane, which can be collected from Kexborough House.