TWO councillors decided to cycle their way to their residents’ surgeries last week to raise awareness of climate change.
Councillors Alex Burnett and John Roberts decided to cycle their way round their surgeries on Thursday to do their bit to tackling climate change.
They cycled 22 miles between their homes and surgeries in Hood Green, Silkstone, Green Moor and Wortley.
Coun Burnett said: “Surgeries are an important way for residents to raise concerns with us directly and something we promised to do and are delivering on.
“Barnsley Council declared a climate emergency and it’s important we do our bit towards this.
“We were blessed with a bright, sunny day and it was great seeing our beautiful, rural ward from the seat of a bike.
“We’ll continue to engage with residents and are committed to tackling the climate emergency in Barnsley, one pedal at a time.”