A BARNSLEY singer will be performing at the Royal Albert Hall for the first time at the weekend.

Tom Masters will be singing at the London venue alongside the Leeds Conservatoire Contemporary Pop Choir on Sunday.

Tom said: “You’ll know if you’ve followed me for a while that singing within choirs is a deep love and passion of mine alongside my own solo career. Without choirs, I wouldn’t be doing so much of the cool stuff I am lucky to do today because singing in choirs empowered me with the musical skills and confidence to do so in the first place!”

Following a successful application and making it through to the finals of How Sweet The Sound, an event which celebrates gospel music, Tom and his fellow choir members will compete as one of four choirs from across Europe in the Large Choirs category.

“Regardless of winning and losing, it’s going to be one of the most life-affirming, out of this world moments to step on such a historic stage for this performance. I’m simply grateful to be there no matter the outcome!

“The experience of singing at The Royal Albert Hall, with friends so dear to me, as well as witnessing incredible music performances that the other choirs and performers will be showcasing for all of us in attendance to enjoy will make this Sunday a night to remember!”

Good luck Tom …tickets are still available directly from the Royal Albert Hall website should you be able to go along.