SHAW Lane Sports Club didn’t let the rain get in the way and pushed ahead with the launch of their new sensory garden.
The event welcomed care and support services from across the borough to show disabled people and their families about the variety of help available to them.
Disabled visitors also got the opportunity to take part in different activities that helped make them aware of local places available to them.
Fiona Hall, community engagement manager for the club, told the Chronicle: “Our activities were designed to lead people into something else that’s already there.
“For example we had functional fitness, which then leads into some activities already designed for disabled people at the Metrodome.
“So it’s not solely about Shaw Lane, it’s about Barnsley and it’s about what people from Barnsley can get to.”
Some opportunities were cancelled due to the weather, however participants still got a chance to try their hand at plenty of activities.
To mark the event, the Mayor of Barnsley Coun Mick Stowe opened Shaw Lane’s new sensory garden, a project built by young adults with learning disabilities, along with students from Greenacre School, with tools supplied by the Men in Sheds group.
The newly-constructed area is intended to provide sensory support to people with special needs.
The area contains a variety of objects designed to stimulate all five senses, including buttons, strong smelling herbs and even things like peppers to taste.