CABINET members will respond to a report that reveals around 124 deaths per year in the borough are linked to air quality.
Barnsley’s ruling cabinet were offered a raft of improvement suggestions when the report was introduced by members of a task and finish group on the council’s overview and scrutiny committee last month.
June 15 is the date set for cabinet members to respond to the report.
At a cabinet meeting last month, the government’s decision not to provide financial backing for South Yorkshire’s Bus Service Improvement Plan – which would have brought significant investment into Barnsley’s transport system – was condemned.
Cabinet members said how this decision and a lack of proper funding has forced the means to cut emissions into the hands of the public.
The impact on health shown was that 4.8 per cent of mortality in Barnsley is attributable to poor air quality – as well as an increasing evidence that the long-term impact of air pollution on health can link to low birth weights, poor educational attainment, cancer, heart disease, respiratory diseases and dementia, according to the cabinet report.
The report said: “The Air Quality and Carbon Reduction Task and Finish Group (TFG) were reassured by the amount of work being done to reduce carbon emissions and to improve air quality, and are pleased that the organisation is being aspirational in its target setting for Zero40 and Zero45.
“The TFG recognises the importance of improving air quality and the negative impacts that poor air quality can have on individuals.
“With that in mind, the investigation undertaken by the TFG – as well as the recommendations made – are in support of improving health outcomes for people in Barnsley and protecting the borough for future generations.”