VOLUNTEERS at a lockdown community group finally came together for the first time to honour those who have lost their lives to Covid-19 at the unveiling of the group’s commemorative benches.
Cudworth-based group Gift of the People, set up by Alex Forrest, of Birkwood Avenue, held the unveiling at Cudworth Park where one of the benches sits.
Another of the group’s benches is set to be installed at the memorial garden at Barnsley Hospital.
Alex, 27, said: “The event was absolutely brilliant. All of my amazing volunteers came along and we were able to snag the first photo of us all together.
“It was touching to see our local councillors and supporters come and cheer us on. It means so much to us.
“The day was for those who have lost their lives or have been affected by Covid-19. We held a minute’s silence to honour those and their loved ones.”
The group have since stopped its operations, but has said its open to coming back if there is a second wave.
“It’s not been easy but the support of people from across Barnsley has been fantastic and even though we’re finishing the organisation, we’re open to coming back should there be a second wave.
“Paul Sammy Goose, who has been nominated for a Proud of Barnsley award, played The Last Post on his bugle and it was extremely emotional.
“We posted this on our Facebook page and at the minute around 3,000 people have watched the ceremony.
“We can’t thank people enough for their support during these last few months.
“These benches are our way to say thank you to the community and most importantly those who lost their lives.”