FORMER miners and their families have been urged to sign up for a scheme that could take £200 off their energy bills.

The grant scheme launched by coal mining charity CISWO offers one-off grants to former mineworkers, or their partners or widows, who are identified as being vulnerable.

The charity will be identifying people in need, and as well as £200 grants will signpost people to other forms of financial support.

Nicola Didlock, chief executive of CISWO, said: “We are very aware that many of our beneficiaries are vulnerable and susceptible to the cold, especially those on low incomes and trying to cope with ill-health, mobility issues and older properties to maintain.

“We want to ensure that those individuals are identified and supported to keep warm and healthy, particularly during the colder months as the energy price rise begins to impact those most affected.”

Grants are only available to those who had ten years’ service or whose last place of work was in the industry.

For more information, visit or call 01977 703 384.