TWO care homes have teamed up to collect food for a foodbank.
Thornhill House Care Home, based on Church Street, Darfield is working with its sister care home, Highstone Mews, based on Highstone Road, Worsbrough Common, to collect food, toiletries and money to donate to Action for
Barnsley Homeless.
The volunteer-led charity runs a weekly soup kitchen at Temperance House on Pitt Street for those who are homeless or can not afford to buy food.
The charity contacted Thornhill to appeal for donations, and senior carers Sophie King and Adrian Wright are taking charge of collecting donations.
Sophie said: “The care homes are part of Stonglife Care and they pride themselves in working closely with the community and helping out charitable organisations.
“I find this very rewarding so I was more than happy to help Action for Barnsley Homeless get some much needed supplies.”
The care homes will be accepting donations until January 31 and they are collecting tinned food, bottled water, soap and other dried food.
Sophie said: “Any money that we collect we will use to buy more food for Action for Barnsley Homeless and we thank everyone in advance for their donations.”