MEMBERS of Barnsley Youth Theatre are celebrating after winning an award.

The group, which meets at Staincross, has won the Children's Theatre Company Of the Year award in the Prestige Awards.

Artistic director Jack Riley said: “They found out about us from our social media and have said that we won because it was clear we had a community focus.

“We can’t believe it – this is perfect for us as we have a lot of announcements to make in the upcoming months including us completing our CIO documents to become a charity.

“It’s a very exciting time for Barnsley Youth Theatre and the young people of Barnsley.”

The theatre company received more than £26,000 funding from Arts Council England last year and have been working hard to get more youngsters off the streets and involved with the project.

Jack joined the theatre as a youngster and he said it helped him keep on the straight and narrow: “When I joined as a youngster it really gave me a lot of opportunities I might not have had otherwise.

“It put me on a path which meant that I wasn’t misbehaving or out on the streets.

“We’re now able to promote so many more opportunities.”

To follow the theatre’s journey, follow them on social media.